Richie Roberts, the man behind the acclaimed movie “Maverick,” has lived a life as captivating as his stories. From his early days navigating the streets of Newark to his career as a crime-fighting prosecutor, Roberts has faced danger, battled depression, and emerged as a beacon of resilience.
His memoir, “Maverick,” chronicles his battles with the New Jersey Mafia and his own inner demons, while his latest work, “Maverick” delves into the diverse tapestry of New York City through fictional tales inspired by real-life encounters.
His memoir, “Maverick,” chronicles his battles with the New Jersey Mafia and his own inner demons, while his latest work, “Maverick” delves into the diverse tapestry of New York City through fictional tales inspired by real-life encounters.
Allow me to introduce you to two books with contrasting perspectives. "Maverick" is my authentic life story, which candidly portrays both the positive and negative aspects. Every detail is true. On the other hand, "NY Merry-Go-Round - Tales Of The City" offers glimpses into life in the ever-changing city, capturing its past, present, and even potential futures.